Conference Presentations and Publications
Faull, Katherine and Michael McGuire. August 26-29, 2018. "Analyzing Moravian Feelings: Using Computational Methods to ask Questions about Norms and Sentiments in Moravian Lebensläufe." V. Internationaler Kongress für Pietismusforschung „Gefühl und Norm. Pietismus und Gefühlskulturen im 18. Jahrhundert“. Halle, Germany.
Faull, Katherine, Trausti Dagsson, and Michael McGuire. 14–16 March 2017. "Reading Moravian Lives: Overcoming Challenges in Transcribing and Digitizing Archival Memoirs." Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2nd Conference. University of Gothenburg. Gothenburg, Sweden. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
Faull, Katherine, Diane Jakacki, and Michael McGuire. October 28-30, 2016. "Reading Moravian Lives: Overcoming Challenges in Transcribing and Digitizing Archival Memoirs." BUDSC16 (Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference). Bucknell University.
McGuire, Michael and Olga Scrivner. November 6-8, 2015. “Creating a Digital Environment for Engaging Students, Teachers, and Researchers in Medieval Literature.” BUDSC15 (Bucknell Digital Scholarship Conference). Bucknell University. Lewisburg, Pennsylvania.
Scrivner, Olga Sandra Kübler, Michael McGuire, Barbara Vance, Eric Beuerlein. June 16-21 2014. “Le Roman de Flamenca: An Annotated Corpus of Old Occitan.” XIen Congrès de l'Associacion Internacionala d'Estudis Occitans. Universitat de Lhèida, Spain.
McGuire, Michael. June 5-7 2014. “Cyclic and post-cyclic integration and the conceptual-intentional system.” Olinco (Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium) Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci, Czech Republic.
Laurent Dekydtspotter, Michael McGuire, and Sabrina Mossman (in progress). “The grammar of anaphora and processing demands in reading English as a second language.”
Rex A. Sprouse, Hyun-Kyoung Seo, Boshra El-Ghazoly, Leslie Gabriele, Michael McGuire, Sabrina Mossman, John H.G. Scott & Yunwen Su (2013). “Deep Lexical Transfer and the Acquisition of the English Dative Alternation.” 32nd Annual SLRF October 30-November 1.
Dekydtspotter, Laurent, Michael McGuire, Sabrina Mossman (2013). “CHL computing and processing resources in native speakers and L2 learners.” 12th Generative Approaches to Second Language Acquisition Conference. April 26-28
Laurent Dekydtspotter, Michael McGuire, and Sabrina Mossman (2013). “Movement and Binding-Driven Efficiencies in L2 Sentence Processing: On the Role of UG-Constrained Acquisition in L2 Cognition.” Selected Proceedings of the 2011 Second Language Research Forum, ed. Erik Voss et al., 104-117. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Darcy, Isabelle, Laurent Dekydtspotter, Rex A. Sprouse, Justin Glover, Christiane Kaden, Michael McGuire & John
H.G. Scott (2012). “Direct Mapping of Acoustics to Phonology: On the lexical encoding of front round vowels in L1 English - L2 French acquisition” Second Language Research 28: 5-40.
SLRF: October 13, 2011 “Convergence of Theory and Practice: Binding Theory, Movement Theory and Learner Performance” Laurent Dekydtspotter, Michael McGuire, Sabrina Mossman and Kate Nearing
Midwest Slavic: April 17, 2010: “L2 Acquisition of the Unaccusative/Unergative Distinction in Russian” Michael McGuire.
BUCLD 34: November 7, 2009: “The contours of lexico-phonological dissociation in English-French interlanguage” I. Darcy, L. Dekydtspotter, R. Sprouse, J. Scott, J. Glover, M. McGuire, C. Kaden.
SLRF 2009 November 1: “Lexical encoding of new phonological categories: An English-French interlanguage lexico-phonological study” Isabelle Darcy, Laurent Dekydtspotter, Rex Sprouse, Justin Glover, Christiane Kaden, Michael McGuire, Vance Schaefer, John H. G. Scott.
157th Meeting: Acoustical Society of America: May 18-22 2009: “Category formation and lexical encoding of a new contrast” Isabelle Darcy, Laurent Dekydtspotter, Rex A. Sprouse, Christiane Kaden, John H. G. Scott, Vance Schaefer, and Michael McGuire.
Midwest Slavic: April 18, 2009: “Coexistence of Classifier Phrases and Class Nouns in Hungarian” Michael McGuire.